
University of Atlantia 111b 9.19.22

For those of you who might be interested, I may be teaching at the online edition of the University of Atlantia. University is open to any and all SCA members, meaning, you do not have to be an Atlantian to attend.

For the upcoming session, I have proposed two classes:

1. Prospera’s Staff: A Discussion of Gender Negotiation in William Shakespeare’s The Tempest

2. Letting Down Her Hair: Women in Fairytale and Folklore

Should my classes be accepted, I will post to this blog when registration opens for University of Atlantia and when I am teaching.

Prospera’s Staff is new! I don’t want to give out any spoilers but I am very excited at the prospect of teaching it.

“Me, poor man, my library

Was dukedom large enough.”

William Shakespeare’s The Tempest
Act I Scene II

I’ve always been a fangirl of almost anything involving magic and The Tempest holds a special place in my heart. The play, as directed by Julie Taymore, is amongst my favorites. My class, Prospera’s Staff, will pivot upon Taymore’s decision to transform a Prospero into a Prospera and all the questions that arise as a result.

Does this change the nature of Prospero’s plight?
How does this colour Prospero’s interactions with Miranda?
What does it mean that Prospera was evicted of her dukedom by her brother?
Is it not fantastically bloody awesome that we get Helen Mirren casting spells?!?! (Okay, that last one may just be me…)

I thought I would provide you with a few of my favorite screen shots of the film.

“O, wonder!

How many goodly creatures are there here!

How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world,

That has such people in’t!”

Act V Scene I

Should I be given the opportunity to teach, I hope to see all of you there, remotely, of course! As always, if you have any questions, or want a copy of the PowerPoint that I’ll be using to teach, contact me after I’ve taught it live and I’ll be happy to provide you with one until I get it uploaded here.

As always, keep reading, keep asking questions, and above all – enjoy!

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