
Preparing for the Future

The wonderful thing about life, and about living, is the opportunity to change and grow. I am not the same Gwen that entered the SCA. Through my experiences thus far, I have learned so much about the Society and myself.

Given this new knowledge, I have come to a few decisions, especially in context with the decisions of others.

As Goodwife Michel Almond de Champagne has announced that she is dissolving Atelier du Champagne, I would love to make a few announcements. However, first things first! I cannot thank Goodwife Michel enough for everything that she has done for me, along with everyone who was a member of Atelier. You inspired me to do my absolute best and drove me to do the work to accomplish that goal. Philomene de Lys, you continue to inspire me with your kindness, creativity, and grace. I will always be your sister and you mine. Michel, you remain my inspiration and your friendship is one I treasure and hold incredibly dear.

The Skinny

As of Sacred Stone Baronial Birthday, I am a student of Esa inghean Donnchaidh.
Previous to that event, but not made public, I made the decision to become a protégé of Murienne L’aloiere.

Why these women?

Esa and I have dedicated our SCA careers to the exploration of feminism. While my approach is strictly literary, Esa’s work in the hard sciences, anthropology, and archeology are in-line with my views and values. I look forward to learning everything I can from her and am deeply touched to have the privilege of becoming her student with an eye to becoming her apprentice. In all of these things, she is my advocate.

Murienne and I have the same philosophy regarding hospitality, and that is that food is love. Food is how we share ourselves and communicate with others. Sharing food is a vital part of the human experience, even from a cross-cultural view. While I bake and she is an incredible cook, we manage to complement each other quite well. She is an inspiration to me when it comes to service in the SCA and learning from her is an absolute gift. Already, she has taught me a great deal about how to be a person in this Society.

The Wrap-Up

If reading this leaves you with more questions than answers, I’d be happy to answer them. Please email me with your questions or concerns.
Meanwhile, be lovely to one-another!
