
University Atlantia Update

Greetings fellow travelers.

This is a brief update to thank everyone who signed up to take the three classes I’m teaching this time around. For those who are curious I am teaching:

  • Yet Forget Not, That I Am an Ass: Ethical Research & Documentation
  • Letting Down Her Hair: Women in Fairytale and Folklore
  • The Soul of Wit: A Hamlet Primer

The Soul of Wit is a new class that I’m really excited about teaching, given that Hamlet is the theme for this year’s Ymir. As always, I will upload the accompanying documentation once the class has concluded!

As always, a shout out to my beloved Murienne L’aloiere for her work as my TA. Folks, she deserves a round of applause. All of this would be so much more difficult and far less enjoyable without her.