
It’s Been a Minute

As the title indicates, it has been quite some time since I updated this blog. Now, I could bore you to death with a litany of excuses but to be honest, my dog ate it.

So, we’ll just dive in, shall we?


Kingdom Arts and Sciences

So, last weekend I was privileged enough to be allowed to not only display my most recent resources and talk to folks regarding the women of the Icelandic family sagas, but I was also granted leave to run a documentation consultation table.




There were so many people to talk to and so much to see it was almost overwhelming. As you can see through the action shot, not only did I talk to folks but I was really enjoying myself.

As I posted on Facebook,

…I am officially home from Atlantia’s Kingdom Arts & Science Fair (KASF). It was a whirlwind. I would like to thank the autocrat, Mariana Henninger, for being incredibly flexible and an all-around rockstar.

Also, thanks to Zoe Azza Williams, Berry Williams, Kim Leland, Michele Servideo Stech, Murienne L’aloiere, and Ciaran Mac Breandain for their physical and emotional support. I couldn’t do any of this without you.

For those that put their work on display, quite literally exhibiting their openness and vulnerability, you are all amazing. I saw so many incredibly impressive examples of research and all of your unabashed enthusiasm. It gave me life. It gives me life.

If I saw you, and hugged you, or just had a conversation with you, I cannot express how happy it all makes me. From my perspective, this is what being in the SCA is all about. I live to share this stuff with you. Please shoot me an email if I can ever be of assistance in your future endeavors. You’re all amazing!

If you are one of my people and I didn’t get a chance to chat, hug, or otherwise interact with you, I hope I get to do so in the future. KASF was pure madness and I kind of left in a daze, wishing I’d had been able to love on my people more. So here are your virtual hugs, until I can give them to you in person.

To Kevin Baun and Kelsey Arden: I couldn’t imagine finer individuals to become Laurels. VIVAT you two, for all you’ve done and all you’ll continue to do.

This barely scratches the surface of my KASF experience. I loved every single minute of it as next to University, KASF is by far my most favorite of events. (No, I don’t say that to all of the events, just a chosen few, I swear.)

What’s Next?


Well, I am currently preparing to teach at the Summer Session of University in June. There is a lot more work I would like to do on my latest class, Bloody Minds and Hard Hearts: Women’s Work in Old Norse Literature. That work includes hammering out a decent handout with all of my resources. (Yes, all problems are nails, just ask my idol, Lisbeth Salander.)

I am also partnering with Mistress Adair of Makyswell to work on a track for research and documentation. (If you’re reading this and you have an interest in teaching, please contact me sooner rather than later.)

Other Things

I am currently writing and editing in the service of Atlantia. There will be more to come about that later.


Do take care of yourselves. I’ll check in with you later!