• Blog

    Revise, Revise, Revise

    I’ve been spending a lot of my time considering my classes, analyzing what I want to say and why. After every session, I sit down and review my work and attempt to refine and improve what I’m providing. To this end, I have revised my handout for Bloody Minds and…

  • Mundane

    Life & Lemons: University Atlantia Session #117b

    Originally, I had intended on attending and teaching at Session #117a, the in person session. I cannot possibly express how excited I was to see everyone in person, give hugs, and touch base. Unfortunately, life has had other plans. I am incredibly thankful to the University staff for allowing me…

  • Notes

    It’s Been a Minute

    As the title indicates, it has been quite some time since I updated this blog. Now, I could bore you to death with a litany of excuses but to be honest, my dog ate it. So, we’ll just dive in, shall we? Updates Kingdom Arts and Sciences So, last weekend…